Modul Sensor MAX30102 ini adalah sebuah sensor biometri yang mengukur detak jantung, mirip seperti pada handphone tertentu yang memiliki pengukur detak jantung melalui sentuhan jari. Modul ini memiliki led indikator, photodetectors, optical elements, dan low-noise electronics dengan proteksi terhadap ambient light.
- MAX30102 operates on a single 1.8V power supply and a separate 5.0V power supply for the internal LED
- Communication is through a standard I2C-compatible interface
- Can be shut down through software with zero standby current, allowing the power rails to remain powered at all times
- Size 12.7mm x 12.7mm
Sensor Pulse Oximeter Heart Beat MAX30102
- Product Code: MAX30102
- Availability: Ready Stock
Rp. 65.000,-