Frequency counter adalah alat untuk mengukur frekuensi atau melakukan calibrasi dari radio, oscillator, VFO, atau VCO. Alat ini bisa menangkap frekunsi yang dihasilkan radio / oscillator dengan koneksi kabel atau bahkan dengan cara wirelessly, yaitu radio di transmitt di dekan kabel input dan alat akan menampilkan frekuensi yang di transmitkan


  • Microchip PIC16F648A forms the core of the 2.4GHz frequency meter.
  • Frequency reference using a temperature-compensated voltage controlled crystal oscillator(2.5 ppm VC-TCXO).
  • Unique gate control with precise time algorithm (No timer interrupt).
  • Gate (display refresh) times include 0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 seconds to allow a real-time frequency display.
  • Single connector input design supports three frequency measurement modes (Low channel /High channel / Auto mode).Dual mode IF modes allow the offset value and the IF up / down mode to be separately preset.
  • Eight 0.56 inch high brightness LED digits with adjustable brightness.
  • Automatic leading zero blanking, invalid display filter frequency selectable, optional last bit blanking.
  • Elegant circuit design supports two-button control for simple operation.
  • Settings are saved automatically and directly recalled at power-up.
Spesifikasi :

  • Gate : 0.01 sec, 0.1 sec, 1 sec
  • LOW CHANNEL : Measuring range: 0.1 MHz - 60 MHz, Accuracy: ± 100Hz (0.01 sec gate time), ± 10Hz (0.1 sec gate time), ± 1Hz (1.0 sec gate time). Low channel sensitivity: 0.1 MHz - 10 MHz: Better than 60mVpp, 10 MHz - 60 MHz: Better than 60mVpp, 60 MHz - 75 MHz: Not specified
  • HIGH CHANNEL : Measuring range: 20 MHz - 2.4 GHz, Accuracy: ± 6400Hz (0.01 sec gate time), ± 640Hz (0.1 sec gate time), ± 64Hz (1.0 sec gate time). High channel sensitivity: 20 MHz - 30 MHz: Better than 100mVpp, 30 MHz - 60 MHz: Better than 50mVpp, 60 MHz - 2.4GHz: Not specified
  • IF settings : Independent double-IF design allows the IF settings to be adjusted in minimum increments of 100 Hz, Intermediate frequency range: 0 - 99.9999 MHz
  • FREQUENCY REFERENCE, 13.000MHz temperature compensated voltage controlled crystal oscillator (VC-TCXO) in 5032 package, Frequency stability: ± 2.5 ppm
  • DC Input: 9V - 15V (Reverse polarity protection)
  • DISPLAY : Readout: Eight 7-segment LED digits, Brightness: Eight LED brightness levels, factory set to maximum brightness.
  • Dimensions (L×W×H): 125.5 mm × 25.5 mm × 21.5 mm

Frequency Counter

  • Product Code: FC01
  • Availability: Ready Stock
  • Rp. 250.000,-

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